NB Associates – Advocates & Legal Consultants

NB Associates (Advocates & Legal Consultants) Legal SERVICES

Power of Attorney – Power of Attorney legal services

We provide the power of attorney legal services for our clients. Our power of attorney legal services includes legal advice, drafting, registration and others.  

This power of attorney legal services we are providing to our clients in Delhi as well as NCR regions (Noida, Greater Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Ghaziabad).

We are also providing this power of attorney legal services in other parts of India through our associate legal offices.

What is power of attorney?

Power of attorney is a legal document, by which an agent (attorney or attorney-in-charge) is appointed to act on behalf of the principal (executor of power of attorney) or represent the principal.

In simple terms by power of attorney, a person authorises another person to do something on his behalf.

The person for whom an act is to be performed or who is to be represented is called the principal. A principal is a person who executes the POA and is also called the executant. The person to whom power is granted is called a power of attorney (GPA) holder.

Types of Power of attorney

Generally, there are two types of power of attorney, which are as follows :

– General power of attorney

– Special power of attorney

What is General power of attorney?

General power of attorney is a legal document which gives a broad mandate that gives the attorney lots of power to handle the general affairs of the principal (the executant).

General power of attorney contains several tasks for the agent to be handled by him/her on behalf of the principal.

What is Special power of attorney?

Special power of attorney is limited to specific tasks. Special power of attorney generally contain one specific task and power of all incidental or ancillary tasks related to one specific task.

When you should execute power of attorney?

  • To manage your property or asset: If you are living at a distant place, or if you are not able to manage your asset due to pre-occupation, old age or for any other reason. A general power of attorney should be executed for this.
  • To sue or defend in litigation or court case: If you are living at a distant place, or if you are not able to appear before court due to pre-occupation, old age or for any other reason, or where you are an incorporated entity or incorporeal person. An special power of attorney should be executed for this.
  • To sale or purchase property or asset: If you are living at a distant place, or if you are not able to appear personally present yourself for execution of the documents or presentation of same before sub-registrar of assurance, due to pre-occupation, old age or for any other reason, or where you are an incorporated entity or incorporeal person. An special power of attorney should be executed for this.
  • For the execution of agreements or signing any document.
  • For the managing banks, insurances etc.
  • For representing before Government Department or Government Authority

Do you need a lawyer to make a power of attorney ?

 It is advisable that you hire legal expert.

–  A power of attorney is a legal document. A legal document should always been drawn by legal expert.

 The process of creating a Power of attorney needs drafting skills. A legal expert can do this in better way.

–  A properly drafted power of attorney will avoid inconvenience or disputes.

 An execution of power of attorney under expert supervision or advise will have least vulnerable to challenge in court of law.

How do we help our clients?

In power of attorney legal services we are helping our clients by :

  • Legal advice
  • General Power of attorney drafting legal services
  • Special power of attorney drafting legal services
  • General power of attorney registration legal services and support
  • Special power of attorney registration legal services and support

Why do clients choose us ?

Best Legal Advice 

Issues may be complex. It is imperative to listen the client.

We give ear. We understand the issue, weigh them on legal parameters, and come out with practical solution.

Honouring Client’s Trust

Client has issues. He does not have the solution. He may not have the vision which goes to the solution.

Trust is bestowed upon a professional by client to give him solution in his best interest. To give him that clear vision which goes to solution.

We honor that trust.


Client shares his issues with a professional. Such issues may contain non -public or confidential information of client.

We honor confidentiality of client.

If you have a question or query

For general questions you can visit our FAQs sections.

For specific question or query related to Power of attorney, we can be contacted by:

  • Fix an appointment
  • Email. mail@nbasociates.net
  • Call : 9811899279
  • Whatsapp message
  • Instant chat
  • Contact us form : Appearing below the page

In which locations we are providing Power of attorney legal services?

This power of attorney legal services we are providing for our clients located at :

  • Delhi
  • Noida
  • Greater Noida
  • Gurugram
  • Faridabad
  • Ghaziabad

Through our associate offices, we are also providing the power of attorney legal services in other parts of India.

Relevant power of attorney related laws

Power of Attorney Act, 1882

Indian contract Act, 1872

Other real estate legal services we provide :


"Disclaimer: This Page is for information purpose only for existing clients. This is not a solicitation to non-existing clients."

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