MSME Award Appeal here we mean and discuss Appeal against the order, decree or Award arising out of the statutory arbitration proceeding under MSME Act. There have been challenges to this provision in courts, where the contentions were raised that this provision is not mandatory and there can be deviation by the Appellate court. Thus, the Supreme Court has made it clear that the provision of section 19 of the MSME Act is mandatory in nature..    

Mutual divorce minimum time: What time takes in mutual divorce

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Date:July 1, 2022

What the Mutual divorce minimum time? What minimum time takes in mutual divorce ? Mutual divorce is the best way to dissolve the marriage. It takes shorted possible time. The legislation while enacting provisions of mutual consent divorce inserted provisions of minimum six month period for taking mutual consent divorce. Case with Hindu Marriage Act […]

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Documents required for mutual consent divorce

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What are all the documents required for mutual consent divorce? What all documents required to be presented in court for mutual consent divorce? Following documents are required to approach the court for mutual consent divorce Mutual divorce petition drafted as per law Passport-size photographs of Husband and wife Marriage certificate or photograph of marriage Address […]

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Conditions for mutual divorce in India

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Date:June 30, 2022

Here we will discuss what are conditions for mutual divorce or rather pre-conditions for mutual divorce? What are those grounds for mutual divorce or conditions for divorce by mutual consent on the basis of which Parties to marriage can approach the court for dissolution of their marriage? Or, what are those conditions which must be […]

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Mutual Consent Divorce : What is mutual consent divorce ?

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Here we are discussing what is mutual consent divorce or mutual divorce? Mutual means ‘two or more people feeling the same emotion or doing the same thing to each other or for each other’. Mutual consent means ‘as agreed by the people involved’. Divorce means ‘the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or […]

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Divorce by mutual consent under Parsi Laws

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Here we will discuss Divorce by mutual consent under Parsi Law Read here: What is mutual consent divorce? Divorce by mutual consent under Parsi law The provision of marriage & divorce for Parsis in India is governed by Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936 Section 32B of Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act 1936 talks about […]

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Divorce by mutual consent in Christian Law

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Here we will discuss Divorce by mutual consent in Christian Law or Mutual consent divorce under Divorce Act 1869 Divorce by mutual consent in Christian Law The divorce laws for Christian is provided under Section 10 of Divorce Act 1869. Section 10A talks about Divorce by mutual consent. Section 10A provides that petition for dissolution […]

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Divorce by mutual consent under Special Marriage Act

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Here we will discuss Divorce by mutual consent under Special Marriage Act. Read here : What is mutual consent divorce ? We are among the top Law firms / Lawyers providing legal consultancy related to Mutual Consent Divorce For any kind of legal consultancy, our client may contact us at the following number or email […]

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To whom Special Marriage Act 1954 Applies

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Here we will discuss the question of to whom the Special Marriage Act 1954 Applies, and also the History of the Special Marriage Act in the later part of this Law Article. What the preamble of the Special Marriage Act says The preamble of the Special Marriage Act 1954 provides this : An Act to […]

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Applicability of Hindu Marriage Act 1955

Author- admin
Date:June 26, 2022

Applicability of Hindu Marriage Act 1955 To whom Hindu Marriage Act 1955 Applies? As per section 2 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955, this law / act  applies to: (1) to any person who is a Hindu by religion in any of its forms or developments, including a Virashaiva, a Lingayat or a follower of […]

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